Tips for Making Your Meditation More Comfortable

  • When you first sit down, rock on your chair or cushion from side to side. This firms your buttocks and creates a solid base. It also helps to position the intestines. Try this and notice that your abdomen feels more settled and comfortable.
  • Next push your belly out, relax, and sit back a bit. This helps to achieve an erect posture and avoid slumping or leaning forward.
  • Instead of focusing sharply, relax your eyes. When you do this you may notice that an object close to you seems to become double. If your focus is about six feet in front of you and slightly downward, you may notice the edges of patterns blur a little.
  • Touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth. This helps to lessen the flow of saliva, and it keeps the tongue from moving around.
  • Allow your chin to drop a little bit toward the throat. This relaxes the jaw and face muscles.

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