Is your perceived meditation goal 'ultimate wholeness'?

Maybe not.

Still, the transcendent experience is very likely going to occur while you meditate, and your concepts of boundaries will be challenged. It is helpful to understand from the outset that you will not lose your capacity to function within boundaries. Many boundaries are comfortable and they serve definite purposes in our lives. We would be lost without them.

What meditation will do is reveal broader experiences of consciousness. 

You will develop greater flexibility in deciding how to stop reacting and begin responding to the pressures in your life.

Another benefit of meditation is an alteration of self-image. 

We define our position in the world through the boundary between self and other. The paradox is that while you may feel very separate and different from others, this is a false distinction. We are not separate from each other, even though you are reading this page and I am (physically) far away. We are actually significant "parts" or members of the same unified, complete, and perfect whole. In fact, we are co-determinant with the Universe. We are not so much separate parts of the Universe as we are distinct facets of one larger system.

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