One has to taste for oneself and find out if the thing is genuine, or helpful, but before discarding it one has to go a little bit further, so that at least one gets first hand experience of the preliminary stage.
Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche Meditation in Action
You ARE ON the path toward regular meditation, and you find you need something a bit more systematic. You are getting the idea of things, and you want to shape your meditation.Lets introduces a popular method of meditation.
Shamata, a Sanskrit word, is Shinay in Tibetan.
- Shi means "peace" or "pacification"; the lessening of the power of continuous thought.
- Nay means "to abide"; by developing tranquility, we let the mind rest on a chosen subject or focus.
So tranquility meditation leads to the development of abiding peace of mind.
Tranquility meditation shares qualities with other meditation practices. In fact, I can think of no meditative practice that does not result in greater peace of mind. This peace comes partly from conscious relaxation. It also derives from accepting whatever thoughts we have, instead of repressing or rejecting them. It comes from paying total attention to ourselves for a few minutes each day, with no thought for the rest of the day.
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