
  • Loose, comfortable clothing aids the meditation experience. 
  • Most practices include the removal of shoes, although you can keep them on to meditate when seated on a chair. 

  • Consider the temperature of the room as you prepare to meditate. Even on rather warm days you may find that after you have been seated quietly for a while, you become a bit cold. Layers of clothing, and perhaps a light shawl, provide you with the choice to add or remove garments to maintain your comfort zone.
As you gain experience, you will find that certain clothing works best for you. You may want to purchase specific clothes for meditation. Some people find that different colored fabrics have different effects on the meditation itself. Generally you will want to avoid itchy, scratchy fabric, materials that rustle when you move, and fabrics that do not "breathe."

Clothing should not bind or inhibit circulation as you are sitting.

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